This is Microprocessor code for Converting Lower Case letter to upper Case and Vice versa string is read from keyboard using BIOS function...
Algorithm is:
Algorithm is:
- Initialize Data segment
- read string from keyboard
- point SI to start of string
- Check Whether ASCII value is less than 5Bh if yes add 20h
- if ASCII value is greater than 60h then subtract 20h
- Store the result in same location
- repeat above steps for entire string length
- After Checking with all the character display the result...
The code is:
;conversion of lower case to upper case
;Author: Akshath Kumar
data segment
msg1 db 10,13,"Enter string:",10,13,"$"
str1 db 10h,?,10h dup(' ')
len db 01h dup(0)
msg2 db 10,13,"Result is:",10,13,"$"
data ends
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:data
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov bx,0h
lea dx,msg1
mov ah,09h
int 21h
lea dx,str1
mov ah,10
int 21h
mov bl,str1[1]
mov str1[bx+2],"$"
mov len,bl
mov bl,60h
mov bh,20h
lea si,str1+2
mov cx,0h
mov cl,len
cmp [si],bl
jae upper
jb lower
sub [si],bh
jmp skip
lower: add [si],bh
jmp skip
skip: inc si
loop up
lea dx,msg2
mov ah,09h
int 21h
lea dx,str1+2
mov ah,09h
int 21h
int 3h
code ends
end start
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